
Thursday, February 02, 2006


A friend online was commenting to me that she was having a discussion with another Christian who was of the conclusion that the Bible really didn't say anything about sex outside of marriage. Here was my response

I use Genesis 2:24 "For this reason a man will
leave his father and mother and be united to his wife and the two will become one
flesh." I just break it down.

For what reason? "She becomes bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh." That
means this is a permanent arrangement. The two become one. It's no wonder we
have so many broken people in the world, they are uniting and ripping apart and
uniting and ripping apart and looking for someone to make them whole, apart
from Christ that can't happen.

A man—this implies grown. How do I know that?

Will leave his father and mother. This couldn't have been for Adam, God was his
father and he had no mother. This is for us. Young gentleman are you grown up
enough to leave your father and mother's house and set up a home of your own?
Then you're ready for the next step.

And be united to his wife. notice the word united does not go with
significant other, girlfriend but rather wife. Young gentleman I ask again have you
left your father and mother's house and have you set up a home of your own? and
then are you ready to marry the girl, that is the order that God set up and
only after you have set up your own home, and married the girl do we see that you
get to become one flesh. At that point say, and some of you are probably
thinking but I'm only a kid, I'm not ready too be married, I am not ready to set
up a home of my own, and I say you just answered your own question. You're
not ready for sex.

That's how I teach kids on the subject. No the Bible may not seem totally clear on
sex outside of marriage, and I think that is largely because the sex act was
in a very real way the consummation of the marriage. In doing the act they were
uniting for life. Why else would God constantly talk about idolatry and
prostitution in the same way? He's also pretty clear on adultery which is, to my
mind, the only other sex outside of marriage.

I know you already know this stuff, just sharing how I teach. I always do it
with love, grace and humor (I do a section called "he might be a dog," that's
kind of like Jeff Foxworthy's "You might be a redneck" that deals with the
lies guys tell to get what they want.) but I also make it clear. I see too
many kids that decided they were in love and so it was okay and it usually
becomes carnage.
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