
Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Getting real.
The name of this blog is radically real. The idea behind it is that I am on a quest for authenticity to live the most genuine Christian life I can live. I have become increasingly aware of the magnitude of the task. I am equally aware that I cannot do it on my own. Paul said basically that the things he didn't want to do he did and the things that he wanted to do he didn't do. If the author of over half the new testament struggled with this very thing, what hope do I have? Well in a way, plenty. You see the battle is the Lord's. I need to hold on to him.

Recently I went on the web, looking up one of my favorite evangelists. He seemed to have fallen off the map recently and I wondered what he was up to. I looked his name up on the web and discovered that he is now a motivational speaker and that he had some sort of moral calamity. As a result he is not in ministry any more. It broke my heart. I love this guy. It didn't break my heart because I was disappointed in him (though I must confess that was part of it, since I have seen thousands of kids cometo Christ as He spoke to them from the Word), he fell into sin, he can be forgiven by Jesus and I pray that he repents and is restored. No, I was disappointed because as I looked at this hero of mine and saw that if he could fall to an attack of the enemy, I thought what hope does little old me have. I mean if he couldn't resist this temptation, what hope do I have? Well I have plenty if I can hold on to Christ and the word.

The Word tells us that God will not allow us to be tempted beyond what we can bear and that if we are he will give us a way out. If you want to pray for me, pray that when the way out becomes clear, I will take it, no matter what the sin. Sin is a bear for one very important reason, a lot of time's it's enjoyable while it is going on. The enemy makes it look real appealing, but remember what Jesus said: "The thief comes to steal and kill and destroy, but I have come that you may have life and have it to the full." (John 10:10) We need to hold on to the fact that sin may be pleasurable for a season, but is nothing more than bait on a trap that will steal and kill and destroy. The real life is found in the teachings of Jesus. In this case, I can hold on to the wife of my youth and love her for the rest of my days and keep my commitment to the Lord and to her, which is fully what I intend to do in Christ. Pray for a hedge of protection around all marriages, but especially for those of us in ministry.

Recently in my recovery, I had some pains that were very disturbing to me. Was I having another attack? There was a very real temptation there too. Had God given up on me? (It sounds stupid but I am being real) my faith was shaking, I was in trouble. I became afraid to do almost anything. The enemy was stealing my joy, killing my witness and destroying my life. But I still have a choice. I can fall to the temptation and stop living and just exist or I can trust God and live my full life that he has for me. I have my good days and my bad days, and if I start whining, I pray that my readers will remind me of this post, but I want a real, full vibrant life of following Jesus, not dwelling under a cloud of sin and disbelief.

Jesus resisted the temptation of the enemy by holding on to the word. It seems to me that is the key to this whole deal. How much time are you spending in the Word? When the enemy throws a temptation at you, will you know what to say to Him? Hold on to Jesus and let Him speak to you through the Word and whatever you do, stay real. He will help if you ask.

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