
Monday, May 03, 2004

Grievous sin

I have noticed a rash over the last few months as I observe various list serves that I belong to and message boards I check out. Ministry folks losing their positions for a grievous sin. A sin that should cause shame throughout the church. What is the sin? Well there's a recurring theme it seems as though the people seem to be losing their positions by calling their congregations to accountability to the Word of God and the attitudes of Jesus Christ. Don't tell me, you thought the sin was on the part of the people losing their jobs. Not necessarily. There is a verse in the Bible that talks about a time when people won't accept strong doctrine but will instead surround themselves with teachers who give them what their itching ears want to hear. The grievous sin is churches that are not accountable to the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Word of God. If your ears itch, get a Qtip and keep preaching and teaching the Word of God. C'mon church, get real.
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