
Friday, March 26, 2004

Who would Jesus vote for?

On a Christian bulletin board I frequent from time to time, I saw that a young man posed the above question, and it gave me pause.
The tirade that he launched into about our current president gave me even more pause, and when he said he would gladly vote for president Clinton again even though he and I quote, "turned the white house into a Motel 6." I paused all together. There is a much greater issue than politics involved in all of this. Here is my response.

I have one vote and I will cast it. That and praying for the elected leader is the extent of my ability to do anything about this. I have a much larger responsibility, to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This must be where our focus is, church.

Make no mistake about it, on that Tuesday in November the one God wants to win will win. Not because of His preference but because of His will. This nation will get the leader it deserves and the church's mission will be the same, to pray for Him and to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ.

As long as we can get distracted arguing amongst ourselves over things like politics, especially when we are clearly instructed in the Word of God to pray for our leaders, we will not accomplish our primary goal. If you want to live in a better nation, led by better people, making better decisions, how can we do any better than giving them a Christian nation to lead and lift the leaders up daily to the only one who can change their hearts and minds?
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