
Sunday, February 22, 2004

It's been a few weeks since I posted to this blog. I guess that's the way it will be some times, though hopefully not often. I have yet to master the short blog but I'm trying. Last week I had an awesome opportunity to minister to 300 kids at a youth retreat. I did a craft with them called screaming rocks, challenging them to "not let the rocks cry out for them." It was awesome and went real well. Then in the general session We did a power point game called everypicture tells a story (no not the YS thing, I made it up myself.) It was a computer game show for 300. It led into an art demonstration I do called the least of these, which tells about how what we do for others in Jesus name, we do for Jesus. This led into a message challenging the kids to look out for others, especially for the ones that their classmates would look at as the "least of these." I had my doubts about speaking to teens at 3:00 am but it went really well.

A lot of people look at that least of these passage and miss two very important words. Jesus said "the least of these my brothers." Now some people will say that applies only to people in the church. I'm not a great scholar, but I don't think that's the case. Oh sure we are too look out for our brothers and sisters in Christ, don't take that lightly, but why did Jesus say he came? Didn't he say he came to seek and save that which was lost? Didn't he counsel us to care for the poor and down trodden? Isn't that a way we can represent Him? When you look at people, do you see them as people God loves or do you look at them and judge what their value is to the kingdom and minister accordingly? Let's be real.
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